Welcome Events
We offer many opportunities for you and your child to become familiar with our School before they start at The Rowans.
You will be invited to attend our whole-school events such as the Christmas and Summer Fairs, which you can attend with the whole family. Kindergarten and Reception children are invited to Discovery Afternoons during the Summer term where they can play in their new classroom and in the playground alongside their new classmates. All children take part in a ‘moving up morning’ where they spend time in their new class and meet their teachers prior to starting in September.
You will receive the Parent Handbook before the summer holidays, which contains useful information about day-to-day matters as well as a Welcome Letter and Termly Planner to tell you what will be happening each term. We invite all parents to a Welcome Evening early in September to meet the teachers and find out more about the year ahead, as well as meeting other parents in their year group.