Pastoral Care banner

Pastoral Care

We foster a nurturing, calm and gentle atmosphere within The Rowans marked by a mutual respect between adults and children. Children are guided to follow the School’s ‘Golden Rules’, which promote a positive approach to managing behaviour. Unkind actions or remarks and bullying of any kind are not tolerated. Teachers and Teaching Assistants spend much …

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Co-Education at The Rowans

At The Rowans, girls and boys learn together and learn from each other. We believe that the Pre-Prep years should be a time for children to explore, socialise and learn in a setting that offers security and challenge, and that these formative years should give the children the very best start for life-long learning and …

The School Day banner

The School Day

8.00am The school gates open each morning, when the children play with their friends and take part in morning activities outside 8.30am The children go to their classrooms 8.45am Registration 12.30pm Kindergarten morning sessions finish 3.15pm School finishes for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and Afternoon Kindergarten children 4.15pm Pick up for After School …

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House System

There are three Houses: Birch, Chestnut and Oak. All children are members of a House and they all take part in House events over the year, working together as a team across the year groups. Each House is led by two House Captains. These are children in Year Two who are elected by their peers …

Positions of Responsibility banner

Positions of Responsibility

A key advantage of being in a Pre-Prep school is that children in Year Two have the opportunity to take on significant leadership positions. At The Rowans, children aspire to be role models to others in the School and look forward to the time when they can stand for election. These leadership roles develop their …

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At The Rowans School assemblies create, nurture and sustain a sense of community. We come together three times a week for Assembly in the main hall. On Mondays, the Year Two House Captains lead the Assembly, on Wednesdays the children learn more about the world around us through citizenship and PSHEE themes and on Fridays …

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Homework is a wonderful opportunity in which to engage with your child’s learning at school. At The Rowans, homework is set to consolidate in-class learning, for example, when learning phonic patterns or practising handwriting, as well as to further learning and exploration in the home environment; this could include looking for habitats in your local …

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Parent Partnerships

We recognise the important role that parents and carers play in their child’s development and we work in partnership to ensure that your child’s school life is happy and that they thrive academically. When you join The Rowans, as part of the Shrewsbury House School Trust, you are joining a community which places great emphasis …

Preparing for your child’s future 7+ banner

Preparing for your child’s future school

We are proud of our excellent track record of sending our children on to top schools in the country. Boys regularly transition to King’s College Junior School, Shrewsbury House School and St Paul’s Junior School among others. Our girls progress to Lady Eleanor Holles, Putney High School, Surbiton High School and Wimbledon High School. Families …

Leavers’ Destinations banner

Leavers’ Destinations

We have an excellent reputation amongst future schools for sending on high calibre boys and girls who are not only well prepared for their next step, but also demonstrate a true love of learning. We are incredibly proud of the progress and development that our children make and Heads are justly delighted to receive our pupils. …

Contact us banner

The Rowans School Alumni

Welcome to the homepage of The Rowans School Alumni which has recently been established to keep former pupils and their families in touch with one another, staff and the School once they have moved on. We are always delighted to hear what our Alumni are up to and would love to celebrate key life events, …

School Uniform banner

School Uniform

Our uniform provider is Alleycatz. Please visit their website to see full details of, or purchase, our uniform:

Term Dates banner

Term Dates

Term Dates for 2024-2025 Term Dates for 2025-2026

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Healthy eating is at the very heart of our approach to snacks and lunches at The Rowans. We encourage a healthy lifestyle and work hard to establish balanced eating patterns. Parents may opt to send in packed lunches or to sign up with our school lunch provider, Lunch Munch 4 Kidz (LM4K), to have lunch delivered …

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Our School Council votes on the charities that it would like the School to support each year. We also support national events such as the Macmillan Coffee Morning, Walk to School, Jeans for Genes Day, Red Nose Day and Children in Need. The children suggest and organise many fundraising events themselves and The Friends of …