We are delighted to have gained our reaccreditation of the British Council’s prestigious International School Award. Our application featured examples of work and activities that have taken place through many varied aspects of school life over the last two years. We are particularly proud of the feedback and recognition that we received from the British Council:
“This is an excellent evaluation of a very strong international programme. It is clear that the international ethos is firmly embedded within the school… All of your pupils have been involved with many of the activities and it is especially pleasing to see that global friendships have both been made and are considered important. Your staff have embraced the international dimension… The long-term impact on pupils, staff, parents and the wider community of your international work is clear and the international dimension is firmly embedded in your curriculum. “
We have many exciting activities planned for the year ahead to further develop the children’s global awareness and help prepare them to take their place in the wider world community.