National Poetry Day

This week Year 1 and 2 celebrated National Poetry Day with a House poetry competition based on the theme of the Environment.  They worked together in their Houses, sharing ideas to create a Kenning poem about something in the environment. There were lots of great ideas from trees, oceans and even panthers! Our school values …

Macmillan Coffee Morning

The Macmillan Coffee Morning, organised by The Friends, was a wonderful opportunity to come together again while raising money for such a worthwhile charity. Our Year 2 children all enjoyed putting an appearance to greet our visitors and engage them in conversation.

Jeans for Genes

The children were delighted to support Jeans for Genes today as they arrived at school sporting a slightly different uniform! The House Captains have collected your generous donations which totalled £561.51. This will be sent to the charity and thank you to all for your support.

Welcome Evening

It was wonderful to see so many of you at our Welcome Evening this week. I hope you enjoyed the opportunity to hear more about school life and the curriculum for the year ahead, as well as time to catch up with each other and our staff team. Our door remains open and the whole …

International School Award

We are delighted to have gained our reaccreditation of the British Council’s prestigious International School Award. Our application featured examples of work and activities that have taken place through many varied aspects of school life over the last two years. We are particularly proud of the feedback and recognition that we received from the British …

Take a Chance Day

On Wednesday the children were encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and try something new, as they prepare to move up and move on to their new classes. Kindergarten particularly enjoyed balancing on the tightrope in their circus skills workshop. For Reception, the monkey bars were a highlight. Working out how to use …

The Rowans Summer Fair

It was wonderful to see so many family, friends and new joiners to the school at our Summer Fair last Sunday. What a happy and jolly atmosphere there was as we all came together to round off the year. I must once more extend my gratitude to The Friends of The Rowans and those parents …

Water Play

We took advantage of the glorious sunshine with an afternoon of water play for the whole school. The children enjoyed a carousel of activities which included teamwork relays to fill their buckets using only a sponge to transport the water, as well a challenge to pass a cup of water backwards over their heads without …