Author: Cara Turner
Macmillan Coffee Morning funds raised
We have very much enjoyed hosting many parents onsite during recent weeks. Following the great success of last Friday’s Macmillan Coffee Morning and cake sales, organised by The Friends, we are delighted to let you know that a total of £872.82 was raised for the charity. Particular thanks to the Reception parent reps and their …
Macmillan Coffee Morning
The Macmillan Coffee Morning, organised by The Friends, was a wonderful opportunity to come together again while raising money for such a worthwhile charity. Our Year 2 children all enjoyed making an appearance to greet our visitors and engage them in conversation.
Future Schools Fair
It was wonderful to see so many of you at Wednesday’s Future Schools Fair. We hope you enjoyed the opportunity to speak with the visiting schools and learn more about their offerings and ethos.
Jeans for Genes
The children were delighted to support Jeans for Genes today as they arrived at school sporting a slightly different uniform! The House Captains have collected your generous donations which totalled £358.76 This will be sent to the charity and thank you to all for your support.
Kindergarten Pox Box trip
It has been another fun-filled week at The Rowans and we were particularly excited to have the first outings of the school year take place. Year One took a walking tour of Wimbledon town centre to see different landmarks and spot the different types of housing that they are investigating in their Topic lessons. Whilst …
Year 2 Positions of Responsibility
There was great excitement in Year 2 today as we announced the results of the elections for the positions of responsibility available to them. They put forward some excellent ideas and we look forward to working with them as they put these into action over the coming term.
Welcome back
A very warm welcome to the start of a new school year at The Rowans. Whether you are one of our returning families or new to our school community, I hope that you have enjoyed the start of term as much as we have. After many weeks of planning and preparation, it is always such …
Take a Chance Day
On Wednesday the children were encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and try something new, as they prepare to move up and move on to their new classes. This involved Kindergarten enjoyed their scooter skills workshop, Reception working their skills on the monkey bars, Year 1 learnt many important skills in their First …
The Summer Fair!
It was wonderful to see so many family, friends and new joiners to the school at our Summer Fair last Sunday. What a happy and jolly atmosphere there was as we all came together to round off the year. We must once more extend our gratitude to The Friends of The Rowans and those parents …
Wind in the Willows
Year 2 delighted their parents with their performances of Wind in the Willows. The standard of their singing, acting and the confidence shown by all was truly amazing. We hope they will take this memory forward and enjoy many more performance opportunities in their new schools.