Author: Cara Turner
Welcome back!
A very warm welcome to the start of a new school year at The Rowans. Whether you are one of our returning families or new to our school community, I hope that you have enjoyed the start of term as much as we have. After many weeks of planning and preparation, it is always such …
Year 2 Leavers’ Ceremony
On Wednesday, it was our pleasure to welcome our Year 2 parents to the Year 2 Leavers’ Ceremony. The children shared their thoughts and memories of their time at The Rowans as well as some moving songs.
Take a Chance Day!
On Wednesday the children were encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and try something new, as they prepare to move up and move on to their new classes. Kindergarten particularly enjoyed their magic workshop, for Reception the monkey bars were a highlight. Year 1 learnt how to make a coin disappear and Year …
Summer Fair!
It was wonderful to see so many family, friends and new joiners to the school at our Summer Fair last Sunday. What a happy and jolly atmosphere there was as we all came together to round off the year. We extend our gratitude to The Friends of The Rowans and those parents who helped in …
Joanna Hubbard & Year 8 visit!
On Wednesday morning we were pleased to welcome some Year 8 boys from Shrewsbury House School. As part of their Leavers’ Activity Programme, the boys are developing their leadership skills so they took on the project of planning and directing a carousel of Sports’ activities for Year 2, before they joined the whole school for …
Alice in Wonderland!
At the start of the week, Year 2 delighted their parents with their performances of Alice in Wonderland. The standard of their singing, acting and the confidence shown by all was truly amazing. They made us all so proud and we were so delighted to witness them sharing that feeling, for themselves and their friends.
The Friends of The Rowans School
This morning Miss Spratt and Miss Fookes had the pleasure of hosting The Friends for an end of year breakfast. We would like to thank them all for leading such wonderful events this year, such as the Christmas Fair, Quiz Night and our upcoming Summer Fair. Not only do these events support the school and …
Green Day!
Today has been our annual Green Day and what a beautiful day for it! The theme this year was ‘Planet vs Plastics’. Kindergarten have been busy caring for their visiting caterpillars and enjoyed making butterfly art. Reception have been learning about Bees and the important role that they play in our environment and Year One …
Year 2 Bushcraft!
Year Two have had a wonderful time at Bushcraft where they spent the day undertaking various challenges, taking part in survival games, building a fire and cooking their own lunch. Collaboration and resilience were the orders of the day! It was a very happy and memorable day in which new challenges overcome and many new …
Sports Day!
It was wonderful to host so many family and friends today at our annual Sports Day, and happily the weather rose to the occasion for us! Once again, my thanks to Mr Barton and Mr Turner, along with the whole staff team, for their preparation in recent weeks so that the children could enjoy showcasing …