Below are some frequently asked questions:
The Head, Miss Spratt, offers weekly tours of The Rowans. Please telephone or email the Registrar, Mrs Sally Manhire, on 0208 946 8220 or
Date of Birth: 01/09/18 – 31/08/19
Kindergarten: September 2022
Reception: September 2023
Year 1: 2024
Year 2: 2025
Date of Birth: 01/09/19 – 31/08/20
Kindergarten: September 2023
Reception: September 2024
Year 1: 2025
Year 2: 2026
Date of Birth: 01/09/20 – 31/08/21
Kindergarten: September 2024
Reception: September 2025
Year 1: 2026
Year 2: 2027
Date of Birth: 01/09/21 – 31/08/22
Kindergarten: September 2025
Reception: September 2026
Year 1: 2027
Year 2: 2028
Date of Birth: 01/09/22 – 31/08/23
Kindergarten: September 2026
Reception: September 2027
Year 1: 2028
Year 2: 2029
Date of Birth: 01/09/23 – 31/08/24
Kindergarten: September 2027
Reception: September 2028
Year 1: 2029
Year 2: 2030
Date of Birth: 01/09/24 – 31/08/25
Kindergarten: September 2028
Reception: September 2029
Year 1: 2030
Year 2: 2031
The Registrar, Mrs Sally Manhire, on 0208 946 8220 or email
The Registrar will input the data and acknowledge receipt, providing information about when your child is eligible to start at The Rowans and offering dates for a tour of the school. If the start date is imminent, you will receive an invitation for your child to attend an observed play session (for Kindergarten and Reception) or an assessment session (for Years 1 and 2) with us.
The school gates open each day at 8.00am, and children go to their classrooms at 8.30am. Registration is at 8.45am.
Kindergarten – Monday to Friday 8.45am to 12.30pm
(Afternoon sessions available until 3.15pm)
Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 – 8.45am to 3.15pm
(Early Morning clubs available from 8am
After School Clubs available Monday to Thursday until 4.15pm)
After-school care for children from Kindergarten through to Year Two – 3.15pm to 6pm
Per term:
Kindergarten mornings – £3,330
Additional afternoon Kindergarten sessions – £505
Kindergarten children attending 5 full days – £5,535
Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 – £5,535
We send children to a wide range of schools each year with popular destinations being King’s College Junior School, Lady Eleanor Holles, Shrewsbury House, St. Paul’s Junior School, Wimbledon High, Putney High, Prospect House and Feltonfleet among others. Through meetings with the Head Teacher, every family is guided to select the school where your child will continue to thrive and all preparations are provided through School so that your child is able to give their best in 7+ entry processes.
We are very proud to be part of the Shrewsbury House School Trust. Boys wishing to progress through to Shrewsbury House at age 7 will undertake an assessment, coupled with regular dialogue between parents and the schools, to support the best outcomes for each individual.
Our uniform provider is Alleycatz. Please visit their website to review or purchase full details of our uniform http://www.alleycatz.co.uk/c/301/The-Rowans-School
Yes, in addition to the twice-weekly music lessons from our specialist teacher, children have the opportunity to learn violin or piano with our visiting music teachers. We also have a thriving school choir and music workshop club.
Yes, when we offer a place in Kindergarten it is with the understanding that the child will remain at The Rowans until the end of Year 2. Therefore, children transitioning from Kindergarten to Reception do not undertake any additional assessments.
We offer many different clubs each week, some run by our school staff and some by external providers. Some clubs have a small charge for materials, others are charged termly by the external provider. Please see the extra-curricular activities information here for full details of the clubs on offer.
We do not currently offer a bus service for our very young children. If you wish to discuss transport options, please speak to the Registrar who can explain more about how different families manage their travel arrangements.
We are very pleased to have children join us from many different nurseries in Wimbledon and beyond. We are not directly linked to any particular setting and do not recommend one nursery in particular.
The Rowans is co-educational and we currently have a ratio of approximately one-third girls in our school.